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Author Topic: Suggestions for Infinity  (Read 54930 times)


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Suggestions for Infinity
« on: September 15, 2016, 02:41:48 PM »
Below is our list of suggestions and features that are due for consideration.

If there's a feature you'd like to see that's not already on the list, we'd love to hear it. To keep this thread manageable, we ask that new suggestions are started as new topics, and remember, the more support a suggestion receives, the more likely it is to make it onto our list!

Suggestion List for Infinity

Name                                              Description                                                                                                                                             Status
ClockAdd clock to the screen to help when in full screen mode
SharpnessAdd sharpness adjustment to image
Night VisionAdd night vision mode, or way to dim screen further
Colour balanceFurther improve default colour balance
InvertAdd option to invert mono image
Record videoOption to record videos locally, rather than just straight to YouTube
FITS HeadersAllow users to add fields to the FITS file. (Object, Telescope, Observer etc)
Broadcast TitleDisplay some text on the screen so that viewers can see what the broadcast is
Stacking optionsAdd in option for sum stacking
Integration infoAbility to add integration information to an image
CrosshairAdd crosshair reticleComplete (Ver 1.4)
SaturationAdd saturation adjustment to imageComplete (Ver 1.4)
HistogramImprove ability to adjust histogram, perhaps with ability to type in valuesComplete (Ver 1.4)
TIFF FilesAdd ability to save as TIFF filesComplete (Ver 1.4)

Guide to Statuses:
Blank - Under consideration at Atik HQ
Complete - It's included in the latest Core Software Download
« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 10:06:54 AM by ForumAdmin »


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Re: Suggestions for Infinity
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2016, 07:59:49 AM »
Good improvements.

May be the possibility of adjust Histogram, sharpness, saturation in full screen too ? a bar in the bottom?

Adjust Histogram with a "box number" like Artemis Capture ?
Skywatcher 200/800
Celestron 135/650

Atik Infinity


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Re: Suggestions for Infinity
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2016, 01:38:03 PM »
Looks like a good list.  On the Histogram, typing values sounds good, but I would like to be able to select one of the Histogram bars, and use the arrow keys for fine-tuning.  The mouse just does not seem to have the resolution for fine adjustments to the Histogram


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Re: Suggestions for Infinity
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2016, 05:19:19 PM »
The list looks great and all of these changes would make Atik Infinity software even better but if I had to choose the most crucial options I would like to suggest in order of importance.

1. Histogram - prove ability to adjust histogram, perhaps with ability to type in values
2. Colour balance - Further improve default colour balance
3.  Saturation - Add saturation adjustment to image
4.  Sharpness - Add sharpness adjustment to image
5. Crosshair - Add crosshair reticle
6. Stacking options - Add in option for sum stacking
7.  FITS Headers - Allow users to add fields to the FITS file. (Object, Telescope, Observer etc.)
8. Broadcast Title - Display some text on the screen so that viewers can see what the broadcast is
9. TIFF Files - Add ability to save as TIFF files
10. Integration info - Ability to add integration information to an image
11. Record video - Option to record videos locally, rather than just straight to YouTube
12. Invert - Add option to invert mono image
13. Clock - Add clock to the screen to help when in full screen mode
14. Night Vision - Add night vision mode, or way to dim screen further

I look very much forward to these changes that will take place hopefully soon please!

Thank you.

Chris A


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Re: Suggestions for Infinity
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2016, 05:22:10 PM »
Looks like a good list.  On the Histogram, typing values sounds good, but I would like to be able to select one of the Histogram bars, and use the arrow keys for fine-tuning.  The mouse just does not seem to have the resolution for fine adjustments to the Histogram

Yes I completely agree with you Mike and that is an excellent suggestion esp. during times when the temperatures are cold and some of us must use gloves.

Chris A


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Re: Suggestions for Infinity
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2016, 11:55:59 AM »
I'm really glad we've started this thread, it's already proving really useful and a big thanks for all the suggestions and priorities so far - the histogram is definitely sounding like it's top of the list for now.

We'll see what we can do  :)



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Re: Suggestions for Infinity
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2016, 09:03:17 PM »
Thanks Jo.   I posted this on another thread but it should have been here.  I would like to see other live broadcast options (NSN, Facebook Live).  I would still agree that the Histogram suggestions would have priority over this


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Re: Suggestions for Infinity
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2016, 08:52:37 AM »
Could I add this to the list of possible improvements? Saving images in 16 Bitt Tiff files as well as 8Bit Jpegs, PNG and FITS?

It would help in using post processing software to get the best out of the images (I Think)




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Re: Suggestions for Infinity
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2016, 07:05:34 PM »
I'm glad you have picked up on some of the suggestions that have been made in previous posts and would like to emphasize the need to improve color balance.  The two most concerns I hear about the Infinity is:

1. Many folks complain that the images obtained have a yellow/green cast. 

2. Is there a way to increase exposure beyond 120sec inside the Infinity program and not resort to Artemis or some other third party software that results in warm pixels. 



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Re: Suggestions for Infinity
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2016, 03:57:44 AM »
Don, I agree with you 100% regarding the color balance issues. Yes if they could increase the exposure time from 120 secs to 180 or max at 240 secs without the hot/warm pixels that would be the golden ticket.

Chris A


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Re: Suggestions for Infinity
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2016, 10:45:56 PM »
Agree with Don regarding yellow/green cast.
It seems to be a ICX 825 property.


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Re: Suggestions for Infinity
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2016, 11:24:40 PM »
Suggestion List for Infinity

NEW REQUEST 1: Auto-Adjust Yellow-Green cast.

NEW REQUEST 2: For Windows: Windows-like interface. It's very annoying to double click
                          and adjust the Window each time the program is re-started.
                          When in full screen mode one cannot use the Windows Taskbar!
                          Remember last "Program window" setting.
NEW REQUEST 3: When saving files, add automatically <number of stacks x exposure time> & <date + time >.

NEW REQUEST 4: Add possibility to user input the object name,
                          and add this name automatically at the beginning of the file names.
                         (display the object name in the program interface)

NEW REQUEST 5: Remember last used file directory.

NEW REQUEST 6: To select directories, display the Windows like Explorer, which is more user friendly.

Desired scheduling of already suggested improvements:

1. Histogram: Improve ability to adjust histogram, perhaps with ability to type in values 
2. Colour balance: Further improve default colour balance
4. Saturation: Add saturation adjustment to image
5. Sharpness: Add sharpness adjustment to image 
6. Stacking options: Add in option for sum stacking 
7 to 12. NEW REQUESTS 2 to 6
13. Integration: info Ability to add integration information to an image 
14. Invert: Add option to invert mono image 
15. Clock: Add clock to the screen to help when in full screen mode 
16. FITS Headers: Allow users to add fields to the FITS file. (Object, Telescope, Observer etc) 
17. TIFF Files: Add ability to save as TIFF files 
18. Record video Option: to record videos locally, rather than just straight to YouTube 
19. Crosshair: Add crosshair reticle 
20. Night Vision: Add night vision mode, or way to dim screen further 
21. Broadcast Title: Display some text on the screen so that viewers can see what the broadcast is 

Thanks to take into account this proposals.



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Re: Suggestions for Infinity
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2016, 09:42:38 PM »
Good idea !!

1. Histogram: Improve ability to adjust histogram, perhaps with ability to type in values 
2. Colour balance: Further improve default colour balance  yellow cast.
3. Can not stack with many stars

Thanks !!



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Re: Suggestions for Infinity
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2016, 07:51:44 AM »
Increase the Frame rate and minimum exposure time for use in planetary.

Skywatcher 200/800
Celestron 135/650

Atik Infinity


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Re: Suggestions for Infinity
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2016, 10:38:54 AM »
Hi everyone,

Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm pleased to announce that a new version of infinity is now available to download from our website ( - core installer). Here is a list of what's included:

1) Improved histogram control - I've added a way to type in the value for the black / white and gray level, which can also be used with the keyboard arrows. This is hidden by default, but you can switch it on by checking: Advanced Settings -> Fine Hist Control

2) Saturation and Brightness - For colour images, you can now adjust the saturation and brightness (See Image Settings)

3) Long exposures - You can now expose for up to 10 mins (Off by default: Advanced settings -> Long Exposures)

4) Cross hairs - See Advanced Settings -> Show Cross Hairs

5) Saving Images - We've added Tiff files and 8 bit images.

6) Saving window position - The application will remember where it was last time it was closed

7) Reset All settings - See Advanced Settings -> Reset all settings

8 ) Hot pixel removal - This has been improved to fix various hot pixel issue that people have been seeing.

Unfortunately, I ran out of time and couldn't add any more features. But we're hoping to release another new version soon. In particular, the 'Yellow cast' issue that people are seeing will take priority. I now have some examples of this issue, so I'll be able to work with them to see how to improve it.
