Hi - I bought an Atik One a couple years ago, inserted filters, connected it to a computer, verified it all worked and then re-boxed it for about 18 months.
I unboxed it again today, downloaded the latest ASCOM 6.2 platform and the latest Atik driver installer, installed them both (no apparent issues) then hooked up the camera.
Something is not right.
When I try to set the temperature (using Artemis), the current temperature displays as some cold temperature (this varies from attempt to attempt, but is in the range of -17.5 to -28.5, even though the device is still at room temperature). Enabling a setpoint has no effect.
Then there's the filter wheel. The ASCOM driver for it LOOKS ok, but when I try to connect to it, even using FilterWheelRunner, and I click the 'connect' checkbox, it automatically unchecks it within a second - and does not connect.
When I try to select a filter position (1-5) from inside Artemis, the dialog box for filter selection just hangs and I have to close it to do anything else.
When I try to take an image, I am not sure if the camera is working properly or not (I couldn't get a focus this evening), but it probably is, as I get higher intensity pixels the longer I expose for, or if I shine a flashlight on it.
Ideas, please?