Atik Cameras

Author Topic: Atik Horizon now available to pre-order!  (Read 11184 times)


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Atik Horizon now available to pre-order!
« on: November 10, 2017, 04:01:33 PM »
Hi there!

We're very happy to confirm that our new Atik Horizon CMOS camera is now available to pre-order!

More details about the camera on the following link:



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Re: Atik Horizon now available to pre-order!
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2017, 05:13:24 PM »
What are the smallest filters that will work with the Horizon?  I have a full set of 1.25" filters that work with both the mono and color Infinity and 428Ex; any chance of them working reasonably w/ an Horizon?



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Re: Atik Horizon now available to pre-order!
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2017, 11:38:45 AM »

Thanks for your interest on our Atik Horizon :)

You should be OK down to around f/5 with 1.25" filter, although you'll need to use flat frames to compensate for the vignetting. Any faster you will need 36mm or 2" filters.

I hope this helps!



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Re: Atik Horizon now available to pre-order!
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2017, 05:25:17 PM »
Hi Iria

I posted this question the other day to Chris Golden and I am just waiting for his reply but you answered bwa question and said f/5 for 1.25 filters (already have 1.25" filters and 2" cost way too much). Most of us that will be using the Atik Horizon for near real-time observing or EAA (Electronic assistance astronomy) and require a fast focal ratio in order to lower exposure times to their shortest duration without jumping the gain to ridiculous high levels. ** Since we will be using the Infinity software for this how can we use flats live on the fly?. Please kindly forward my suggestion to Chris at Atik

"Hi Chris

After watching Dave Hudson's excellent video demonstrating his new Atik Horizon camera in particular with the Infinity software I would say that 80 to 90% of us with exceptions of those fortunate to have the money for those very expensive astrograph dedicated scopes will be now having issues with vignetting unlike with the much smaller ICX825 sensor in the Infinity camera. Most of us would buy this camera for it's unique live observing properties in conjunction with the Infinity software and not with the Artemis software. Like Sharpcap is now offering in their new release software they incorporated a flat and dark field on the fly subtraction. I think we can live without the dark subtraction due to the excellent algorithm written in the Infinity software but, the flat is a big must since adjusting the background properly without losing faint details in impossible. Chris please consider building live flat subtraction into the Infinity software now that we will be working with larger APS + CMOS sensors."

Thank you

Chris Appleton