I think I've found the problem with horizontal banding, at least for my color Horizon; others might be different.
The banding seems to tie to the Offset used. The fault Gain/Offset values, per ATIK support are:
...Low: Gain 1, Offset 17
...Med: Gain 6, Offset 29
...High: Gain 30, Offset 139
When I enter the above values in the Custom selection I get distinctly different results than when I select Low, Med or High. It almost appears the Offset being applied by the Low, Med and High is not being used or is lower than stated; thus, giving rise to horizontal banding of various degrees.
This is an instance where light pollution is actually a benefit by setting an artificial Offset; thus, imagers with lots of light pollution will probably have no problem with horizontal banding. However, imagers in a dark site may see banding!
Until this problem is resolved by ATIK Support I would suggest using the Custom selection and setting your own Gain and Offset values. You can use the ones above or select them from the graph (PDF file) I've attached.