I've just tried the current ASCOM drivers and there seems to be a few issues, the most serious is that the LastExposureStartTime property seems to throw an Input String was not in the correct format exception.
I'm using ASCOM driver
A log file shows this:
11:35:23.744 StartX set 0
11:35:23.745 StartY set 0
11:35:23.747 NumX set 3362
11:35:23.748 NumY set 2537
11:35:23.756 StartExposure Duration 2, Light True
11:35:23.757 StartExposure: bin 1,1: subframe 0,0:3362,2537: high priority False, amplifier switched-False, set dark mode FalseStartExposure, started
11:35:36.876 LastExposureDuration get 2
11:35:36.899 LastExposureStartTime get 〲㠱〭ⴹ㜱ㄠ㨰㔳㈺3
11:35:36.927 ImageArray getGetImageData sx 0, sy 0, width 3362, height 2537, bx 1, by 1, Array[3362,2537] done
11:35:41.561 ImageArrayVariant start Array 3362,2537 done
The value expected from the hardware is a text string containing the date and time such as "2018-09-16 09:18:55"
Here's the start of the log, it should show the hardware versions.
11:35:16.507 Atik Camera Driver version, Driver Id ASCOM.Atik.Camera
11:35:16.507 Atik Camera Constructor completed
11:35:16.588 Connected set True, API Version 741, find 5, connecting to ID 0, HSC True, connected to camera 0
11:35:16.608 Properties properties Protocol 787, nPixelsX 3362, nPixelsY 2537, PixelMicronsX 5.4, PixelMicronsY 5.4, ccdFlags 0, cameraFlags 84, Description ATIK-383L, Manufacturer ARTEMIS CCD, set PrechargeMode to ICPS, set FIFO to true, GetProcessing None, GetMaxBin 255, 255, hasShutter {0}. (HEX[68][61][73][53][68][75][74][74][65][72][20][7B][30][7D][2E])
11:35:16.614 Connecting numTemperatureSensors 1
11:35:16.614 GetCoolingInfo Connecting - flags Cooling, Controllable, OnOffControl, SelectablePower, SetPointCooling, level 0, minlvl 0, maxlvl 255, setpoint 67632
11:35:16.615 Connecting CoolingInfo flags Cooling, Controllable, OnOffControl, SelectablePower, SetPointCooling
11:35:16.615 Connecting minExposure 0.2, CanFastReadout True IsColour False, BayerOffsetX 0, BayerOffsetY 0 description ATIK-383L
11:35:16.617 Connected completed
11:35:16.755 Description ARTEMIS CCD: ATIK-383L (5)
Hope this helps,
Chris R