Hi Dave, Brian, Peter et al,
Looks like there have been two separate issues (or maybe related) at work here.
Low Voltage: The Atik recommended 12v power source was producing maybe 12vdc, or just under 12v. I moved to the Pyramid 13.8v RPS and the "noise" problem went away (so far, and I think).
Reverse Vignetting: This one is a little more weird. This was chronic both before and after adding the EFW2 filter wheel (so no fault there). It happened most of the time, although some images were fine.
This latest go 'round had me shooting Ha of a portion of NGC2237. The reverse vignetting was there in my calibrated subs and there in the finished product. However, once I redid my Darks, Bias and Flats using the Pyramid 13.8v RPS, the Ha image was fine. So "low voltage"? Not sure.
I then followed the same routine for the OIII image. Used the same new Bias and Dark as Ha, but of course a new OIII master flat. The reverse vignetting was back. Reflecting on my life and the fact that tech support and I were running out of ideas, I decided to try the Ha master flat with the OIII image. And the reverse vignetting was gone. I did the same using the SII master flat with the OIII image and got good results. So, the problem (at least in this case) was in the OIII flats.
There were two noticeable differences between the Ha flats and the OIII flats. The Ha exposure was at 8s, while the OIII was at 20s. Both were shot using the t-shirt method with an attempt to achieve 25kADU value. I used Images Plus (my capture software) to review the subs' statistics.
In both cases (Ha and OIII) the average ADU was around 25k. But while the Ha max value was around 49k, the OIII max value was at 65,535, which I believe is the maximum.
I reshot the OIII flats at 8s and monitored the images so that the average ADU was 25k and observed that the maximum stayed around 49k. The reverse vignetting for the OIII image was gone.
It appears the high maximum ADU had been the problem. But, as with the voltage issue, time will tell. I had not read anything suggesting that this could happen, and when it did would be a problem. It was more dumb luck that I tried the Ha flat with the OIII image and found success.
Appreciate any thoughts you guys might have on this.